Hey! Who wants to win a free ecopy of “Wanted: Wife!”

Wanted Wife Oh, you know you do! If it’s free it’s for me! There’s nothing better than gratis! So if you’re as cheap as I am–and you get the bonus of one heartbreakingly romantic, uplifting and funny as all get-out story, then you know a bargain when you see one! So just click right here for your Rafflecopter straight to Andy!

Another Release Day added – Paperback edition of WANTED: WIFE coming JULY 2!

Wanted WifeALL KINDS of things are popping right now with the imminent release of the ebook version WANTED: WIFE on June 4! And NOW comes the news you’ll get your Andy down on paper on July 2, 2013! That’s right, the PAPERBACK edition will follow shortly behind the ebook–just in time to tuck into your beach bag. Can you stand it? To reserve your copy, just click here so you can jump the line ahead of all those rabid readers who’ll be storming the local bookstores and ripping it off the shelves. Don’t be left out in the cold! Reserve NOW.

Also, don’t forget to look for my upcoming BLOG TOUR! Fascinating facts! Titillating trivia! Swoony songs! Ripping recipes! And all kinds of other alliterations you just won’t be able to live without! Stay tuned!

My first Review for “‘Wanted: Wife’ is a Winner!”

Wanted WifeNow and then I Google my name to see what pops up, and boy, was I surprised to see my first review! It’s from Donna at “Bookishly Attentive,” and what I delight to see such a glowing review. Take a look for yourself…

My childhood had been peppered with tales about Pineys, crazy backwoods Jethros who shotgunned first and asked questions later.”

“Either this man was yanking my chain or there were still people out there who could surprise me.
‘You don’t think advertising on a utility pole for a wife is a bit out of the ordinary?'”

“He wasn’t medieval; he was positively Neanderthal.”

What’s up with Andy?

No one can be that perfect, the rare combination of a “manly-man,” sexy, sensitive, romantic, gorgeous and half French.  First hint that all is not what it seems: he’s a native of New Jersey and living in that great state myself, I know these attributes are oh so thin on the ground.  So when Andy Devine advertises for a wife by hanging flyers on telephone poles, you know there’s got to be much more going on.  And Julie Knott, a Philadelphia reporter drawn to the unusual, is on the case.  Julie’s personal life is in shambles but the story comes first, especially when Andy, after interviewing 100 wannabe Mrs. Devines, decides Julie fits the bill. Having very little left to lose, Julie agrees to Andy’s proposal – and brings her own secrets to the South Jersey Pines.

An unforgettable hero, an unusual premise, an unlikely setting, (the New Jersey Pine Barrens, for goodness sake!) and a spot-on first person narrative combine to make this one of the freshest, funniest contemporary romances I’ve read so far this year.  The truth does eventually prevail, and when it does, you find yourself on your feet, rooting for this romantic pair. Wanted: Wife is a winner.

Available for pre-order now on Amazon.com.  Publication date is June 4, 2013.